Mountain Day: Friday, Sept. 14, 2018
September 07, 2018

MOUNTAIN DAY: Our 40th annual Mountain Day, one of Thetford Academy’s most special traditions, will take place on Friday, Sept. 14, with a rain date of Monday, Sept. 17.
Founded by the late headmaster Frederick G. Torrey, Mountain Day challenges each of TA’s six classes to climb a nearby peak: 7th Grade – Mt. Cube; 8th Grade – Black Mountain; 9th Grade – Smarts Mountain; 10th Grade – Cardigan Mountain; 11th Grade – Mt. Ascutney; and 12th Grade – Mt. Moosilauke. There is also a shorter, less physically demanding alternate hike available.
All students except seniors will meet at TA at the usual time (8:10 a.m.) and will depart soon after with their class. All classes except seniors will return to campus in time to meet their buses at 2:55 p.m. Seniors will depart at 7:30 a.m., and will return by around 3:30 p.m. or so.
Students and chaperones will be traveling on well-marked public trails. The total distance walked will be from three to seven miles. Any student who is able to participate in our Physical Education program should be able to make the hike.
Students should be dressed to be out of doors in fall weather in the mountains –sometimes wintry conditions. TA recommends warm sweaters and shirts (wool if possible), a windbreaker, hat, mittens, and rubber soled comfortable boots or sneakers. (The best footwear is boots or sneakers that support the ankle, along with two pair of socks; no sandals or bare feet will be permitted!)
Students with allergies who carry an epi-pen with them at school should bring them on the hike! Students should have a good breakfast.