
Counseling Office

Thetford Academy’s Counseling Office works to help students reach their personal academic and post-secondary goals, providing assistance with course selection and sequence, college counseling and preparation, study-abroad and dual enrollment opportunities, and social and emotional support.

School counselors work closely with advisors and grade-level teams to collaborate on students’ progress and challenges. All students are assigned a counselor who will provide individualized support throughout their years at TA.

The Counseling Office also provides resources and support for students seeking opportunities of interest and challenge beyond TA’s core curriculum. Counselors help students explore study abroad options, dual enrollment and college credit opportunities, and technical and apprenticeship programs.

As students prepare for graduation, TA’s Counseling Office works closely with each student to help them achieve their post-secondary goals. Whether a student’s interest is in two- or four-year colleges, the armed services, or interim/gap year programs, TA’s counselors are prepared to support students and families every step of the way.

Counseling News

  • Thetford Academy’s Counseling Office is hosting a series of information sessions this winter to introduce current juniors and their families to the college choice and application process. The first of these sessions in January provided an introductory overview to the college application process, with tips and resources to help families......

  • Dear TA Families, Winter is here! The snow and chilly temps change up our routines – but don’t deter us from heading outside during the school day. Some early winter season spotlights (featured in this week’s photos): One of the (cozy indoor) ways we kick off the season is the winter......

  • Dear TA Families, The weeks between Thanksgiving and the Holiday Break are busy ones at Thetford Academy. Here is a preview of some key December dates. Dec. 9 – FAFSA Workshop for the Class of 2025 We hope to see lots of seniors and their family members on Monday evening......

  • Dear TA Families, My email this week features some of the many opportunities we offer for our middle school and high school students. We want to encourage them to make the most of their time here at TA and also support their exploration of what lies ahead.  Clubs, Office Hours......

  • On Monday, October 21st from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the library, Thetford Academy’s Counseling Office will host a CSS profile workshop. The CSS profile is an online application used and required by a number of colleges and scholarship programs to award non-federal institutional aid. It is an important – and......

  • Featured photo this week: Cider pressing! Dear TA Families, The first Saturday of October is upon us, and it’s time for the famous Woods Trail Run! Everyone is invited to this community event, 10am-4pm, on the TA campus. Come cheer on the 2000+ runners from all over New England who come......

TA Counseling Department Mission and Vision


The Thetford Academy Counseling Department program works in collaboration with our students and their parents, teachers, and the community to provide academic, social, and emotional support in order to enable every student to be a fully engaged and active citizen and lifelong learner. We provide a comprehensive, developmental program that advocates for equity of opportunity and access to all students regardless of background, socioeconomic status, and ability.


Through the programming of the TA Counseling Department, all students will build skills, both academic and personal, that will empower them to create opportunities within and beyond our school walls, foster a sense of community, and move successfully into the wider world as informed, curious, and responsible citizens who are able to achieve college and/or career success. We believe in the power of personal progress, and aim to foster minds capable of endless growth and citizens who will strive to achieve the greatest positive impacts on their schools and communities in the near and long term.




We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.