Health Office Update: October 27
October 27, 2022
Dental Care
The Ronald McDonald Dental Van will be at Thetford Academy from Nov. 2-7. If you would like your student’s teeth cleaned, please complete the dental permission form and return to Nurse Ellen by October 31st.
Students in need of emotional support
- Please reach out to your parents and family, a counselor, the school nurse, your teacher and of course your friends, get good sleep, eat healthy meals, and know that you are a good person and many people care about you.
- The teen text crisis line is available 24 hours a day – 741741; no issue is too small. They always help.
Student illness/injury
- Need to go to the health office or main office, the nurse or office will help the student and call parents as needed.
- Please do not pick your student up without going through these steps.
All 7th graders need their Tetanus booster (TDaP) to be allowed in school.
Please make sure your student is up-to-date with all school immunizations or has a 2022-2023 exemption form completed and turned into the health office. A NEW exemption form needs to be filled out each year.
Current illnesses
- We have a stomach virus going around. Please don’t share water bottles or food.
- We continue to have a virus giving students sore throat/headache/fever
- Thetford Academy has 2 people out with Covid this week.
Warning for teens who vape
- A new and very deadly narcotic is being added to some vape pens and other vape devices.
- The narcotic is fentanyl and it can kill. The best way to stay safe is to stop vaping.
- Talk to Student Assistance Provider Kara Toms or to Nurse Ellen for resources on quitting.
- Link to info about fentanyl in vape products
- VT link to free help to stop vaping.
Families in need of winter help
Orange County Parent Child Center is a conduit for VT state assistance for help with: heating costs, car repairs, winter clothing, gas cards, gift cards to grocery stores and electric bills. Please contact their director, Lindsey Trombley, 802-685-2264 or [email protected]. or Nurse Ellen for assistance
Prescription Drug Take Back Day
• Saturday, October 29th – old medications are being collected at the West Lebanon Hannaford grocery store from 10AM – 2PM.