Health Office Update: Nov. 30, 2023
November 30, 2023
The Ronald McDonald Dental Van is here starting Monday Dec 4-7
Dental cleanings and treating cavities are provided by the Dental van. If your child is a NEW patient please complete the new patient form and return it to Nurse Ellen by December 4th.
There are 2 other viruses besides Covid going around school:
- There is a head cold with sore throat/congestion/cough
- A stomach bug
- If your student is sick please have them stay home
- We have 5 people out with Covid this week. Protocol for return after Covid is here: Thetford Academy Health Office/COVID page
- If your Covid positive student has a sibling at TA; the sibling may attend TA if they have NO symptoms and are Covid negative
Free Covid Test Kits
Now available through the US Postal service link to Covid test kit order form. For Covid boosters, call the Kinney Drugstore in Bradford.
Red Cross Babysitting Course at Upper Valley Aquatic Center Dec. 16 and 17
Register by calling 802-296-2850 x109 or email Ashley at [email protected]. If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Ellen.
I am reviewing all necessary school immunizations. Please send me your student’s exemption form if I have requested one. Parents of seventh graders please make sure your students are up-to-date with their tetanus booster.
Overcoming Addiction
This is a program offered at North Country High School on Nov. 30th
Program About Vermont Youth Substance Use Dec. 4, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Thetford Academy Library
Thetford Town Service Officer
A resource for winter: the town service officer can help with gas cards, fuel oil, etc. The town service officer can connect families with other supports. Jessica Eaton is the Thetford Town Service Officer and can be contacted for assistance for a wide variety of needs. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 802.333.9491
Please check daily for deer ticks – especially outdoor classes
- There are will be lots of deer tick nymph through hunting season.
- Caution -tick-borne illnesses can mimic viral infection.
- Shower & wash clothes if you are out in tick territory.
- If a deer tick is attached to you for more than 24-36 hours call your pediatrician & get a one-time antibiotic to prevent Lyme Disease.
- Also, save the tick – show your doctor or Nurse Ellen
- Ellen’s Lyme Disease prevention video
Thetford Food Shelf
The food shelf is open Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to noon. The food shelf serves residents of Thetford, Fairlee, West Fairlee, Vershire and Strafford.
Corinth, West Topsham & Bradford Food Shelves
West Topsham’s food shelf is at the Riverside Grange & open Fridays 5:30 -630 PM Bradford Academy’s food shelf, in Bradford, is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4 p.m.; Wednesday, 5-6 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m.-noon
Israel and the Occupied Territories
The International Red Cross is helping in the Mideast