
TA News

Health Office Update: January 23, 2025

Dental Care this Winter will be Jan. 27th -Feb. 6th:

Students will get their teeth cleaned next week & the beginning of the following week. Please remind your children.

• The HealthHub dentist is at the Chelsea Health Center & does fillings there.

• Please call or email Nurse Ellen with any questions.

Illnesses at TA

Unfortunately we continue seeing a few more influenza cases. Please consider getting flu shots. The CDC and the VT Dept. of Health are showing a continued increase in influenza. This is one of the important jobs of the CDC to get real-time influenza updates to schools, doctors and each state.


Is still circulating in the community.

Head Cold

• There is a long-lasting head cold going around with a lot of congestion & a cough. Rest, fluids & humidified air help.  

Stomach Virus

• We have fewer cases of the stomach bug.

Illness prevention tips: Early bed, 3 meals/day, staying hydrated, hand washing, cover sneezes & coughs. PLEASE don’t share water bottles or food.

Flu Shots or Covid Boosters

• If you missed the flu clinic and would still like your student to receive a flu shot or Covid booster your student can get an appointment for a flu/Covid shot at Upper Valley Pediatrics or Kinney in Bradford.

Tips for Better Mental Health

• Smiling Mind is a helpful, free app for stress/anxiety/sleep issues Smiling Mind

The Family Place is starting 2 support groups: Supporting students who have experienced trauma and supporting Grandparents raising grandchildren:

 The Family Place is excited to share about two upcoming support groups that will be offered beginning at the end of January!

• Caring for Kids with Trauma will begin on 1/23/25.  It will be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, from 9-10 am (coffee/breakfast available beginning at 8:45).

Grandparents Raising Grandkids will begin on 2/6/25.  It will be held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, from 9-10 am (coffee/breakfast available beginning at 8:45)

• These groups will provide an opportunity for caregivers to connect, while receiving support, education, and resources related to their unique needs.  

• Financial assistance for transportation (gas cards) will be available on an as-needed basis.

• The registration form is attached & completed forms and/or questions can be sent to [email protected]

Mental Health Support in Chelsea:

SafeArt is a community-based organization that engages creativity and the expressive arts as tools to support mental health and overall well-being.

Please see the attached flyer.

Safe Winter Driving

• New drivers please be cautious during the winter driving season.

• In bad weather, please slow down and arrive safely. 

Thetford Town Service Officer – for Thetford Residents Only

• A resource for all seasons: the town service officer can help with gas cards, fuel oil, etc. The town service officer can connect families with other supports.

• Jessica Eaton is the Thetford Town Service Officer and can be contacted for assistance for a wide variety of needs.  Email:  [email protected]. Phone: 802.333.9491

Thetford Food Shelf

• The food shelf is open Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to noon. The food shelf serves residents of Thetford, Fairlee, West Fairlee, Vershire and Strafford.

Corinth, West Topsham & Bradford Food Shelves

-West Topsham’s food shelf is at the Riverside Grange & open Fridays 5:30 -630 PM

-Bradford Academy’s food shelf, in Bradford, is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4 p.m.; Wednesday, 5-6 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m.-Noon

Ellen Gnaedinger, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC

Thetford Academy School Nurse

Thetford Academy Health Office/COVID page



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.