Recreational Cross Country Ski Team: Sign Up by Nov. 10
November 03, 2017

The leaves have all fallen and snow is right around the corner. Cross country skiing is a great way to get outside in the winter, have fun, and get some excellent exercise. Not to mention, we have an amazing trail right in our back yard and lots of other great trails in the immediate area. This will be a noncompetitive group that will focus on skiing technique, outdoor exploration, and fitness.
Anyone interested in joining the recreational cross country ski team should contact me or sign up on the athletics board by Friday, Nov. 10. I will be ordering the new ski equipment next week and I want to make sure I get sets in the right sizes for people in the group.
The group will meet every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:45 p.m. through the winter season. We will add a third day that works well for the group if conditions are great.
All ski equipment will be provided. The group is open to beginners and advanced skiers in 7th to 12th grades. We will mostly ski on TA’s Dan Grossman Woods Trail and will also travel to other local trails in the new TOP bus.
The first meeting will be on Dec. 4. Even if there is no snow, we will still meet this day to go over equipment and do some ground training. This is an amazing opportunity, so seize the moment and join the Recreational Cross Country Ski team.
—Scott Ellis, Coordinator, Thetford Outdoor Program (TOP)