TA Celebrates 199th Birthday
February 07, 2018

75th Annual Founders’ Day!
On Friday, Feb. 2, Thetford Academy celebrated its 199th birthday with the 75th annual Founders’ Day celebration!
This year’s theme was animated movies; each class chose an animated movie for their class to represent. Students displayed their individual talents and creativity by preparing skits, building floats, decorating cakes, making costumes, and designing banners that incorporated the specific movie as well as earned points for their class. Classes also earned points by competing in various events around campus, including volleyball, tug of war, a balloon toss, donut eating contest, and so much more!
In the end, the higher grade of each division was victorious, but each class worked hard and presented some very impressive work.
Upper Division:
- Seniors: Shrek-Winners!
- Juniors: Toy Story
Middle Division:
- Sophomores: Ice Age-Winners!
- Freshmen: Moana
Lower Division:
- 8th Grade: Finding Nemo-Winners!
- 7th Grade: Wall-E
After spending time outside in the bitter cold temperatures—earning class points in the three-legged races, sack races, water balloon toss, egg carry, and other outdoor competitions—students, faculty, staff, administration and special guests gathered in the gym for the Founders’ Day luncheon and banquet.
This year, lunch was prepared by Casey Huling and the Why Foods Matter students; and it was delicious. Music was provided by the TA Stage Band, and everyone had a great time.
Founders’ Day, and Night, 2018 was a resounding success! We are looking forward to celebrating 200 years at next year’s celebration.
To view photos from Founders’ Day, click here.