Thetford Geo Bee: Nov. 2
October 11, 2018

The 7th Annual THETFORD GEOGRAPHY BEE is coming up on Friday, Nov. 2, at Thetford Academy. What is a Geo Bee? We ask a series of multiple choice questions to three-person teams, focusing on a specific topic. This year’s theme is “Thetford and Thetford Academy.” TA is gearing up for its 200th anniversary in February, and we’re getting a jump on the festivities by keeping this year’s questions VERY local. Come and show us how much you know!
There are two divisions — Youth (Grades 5-8) and Adult (Grade 9 and up). Each division alternates answering questions, correct answers are tallied, and the winning teams receive great prizes. It’s loads of fun, and as in past years, proceeds are earmarked for the conservation and preservation projects at the Historical Society.
Information and registration forms are available on our website at Adult teams are $30; Youth teams play for free! If you know a student in 5th through 8th grade, please encourage them to play. **In a slight change from last year, we are also waiving the registration fee for any member of an adult team who is currently a student.**
Won’t you grab two friends and form a team and join us? Come on… you know you want to!
Martha Howard, Director
Thetford Historical Society
16 Library Road
PO Box 33
Thetford, VT 05074