Students Enjoy Community Thanksgiving Dinner
November 21, 2018

Paper turkeys, paper plates, paper tablecloths, and plastic utensils adorned the tables, but the food was the real thing: delicious turkey, homemade mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, plenty of peas, and rolls — served free of charge to all students and staff on the last day of classes before Thanksgiving (Tuesday, Nov. 20).

The idea of the Thanksgiving feast came from Special Education paraprofessional Becky Sarazin. The Student Life Committee worked hard to make it happen. Dean of Students Siobhan Lopez undertook much of the organization; senior Tony Pippin’s family provided turkeys; culinary arts teacher Jennifer Gernhard and her students prepared mounds of mashed potatoes; and with the assistance of science/social studies teacher Len Whitaker, social studies teacher Casey Huling cooked the stuffing, peas, and turkeys.

The community meal — a TA first, as far as anyone can remember — took place during Power Hour in the Vaughan Alumni Gymnasium, with faculty and staff setting up tables and serving food from two buffet lines. A substitute teacher observing the feast shared how exceptional a place Thetford Academy is — citing our students’ kindness and our faculty and staff’s caring, while mentioning how amazing the special Thanksgiving meal was.
A very Happy Thanksgiving to all the Thetford Academy community!