Letter to Seniors: Wendy Cole
June 03, 2020

Listen up, Seniors,
I just want to say thanks! Thanks for being who you are and for the person you’ll become. For those of you whom I have known since kindergarten and before, to some like Lily who joined the class this year, hello and I salute you!
It’s fairly obvious you’ll never forget this year, and I hope you never forget each other. This year, like all the years, is a mix of what was and what might have been. So take with you what you made of it. The glass, as my dad always said, is either half full or half empty. Might as well see it as half full, right?
Some of you will stay in touch; some of you will fade away. But to each of you I say be kind and challenge each other to be better people. Most of all, however, be kind to yourselves and remember your roots. There is a cheering section behind each and every one of you, and I am honored to be a part.
Thanks to each of you for being a part of my life, for however long it may be.
Cheers to the Class of 2020 and, as always, Panther On!
Wendy Cole
Tonawanda High School
Class of 1967