Head of School Weekly Email: Woods Trail, TA Clubs & October Dates
October 01, 2021

Dear TA Families,
We are looking forward to hosting the 30th annual Woods Trail Run tomorrow! Everyone is invited to this community event, 10am-4pm, on the TA campus. Come cheer on the 2000+ runners from all over New England who come to race on our beautiful TA cross-country course. For more info, visit thetfordacademy.org/2021/09/thetford-academys-woods-trail-run-turns-30.
Student clubs are up and running, and there is an inspiring variety of interests and topics students are exploring and connecting about each week. Check in at home to find out more about what your student is pursuing with club time on Fridays during power hour and/or Mondays after school. Here is the latest clubs and activities schedule. If a student needs more support to join an existing club, or perhaps is motivated to start a new club, they can reach out to their advisor or another adult on campus for information or guidance.
Here are some important dates coming up in October to make note of on family calendars at home:
- Tonight 10/1! There is a middle school dance for 7th and 8th graders, hosted by the 8th grade, in the outdoor classroom from 7-9pm. (The library will be open for parents who are driving students to and from the event and would prefer to stay and wait at school.)
- The Covid surveillance testing is Tuesday 10/5 and the flu clinic isThursday, 10/7. See Nurse Ellen’s latest health office update for details and links.
- There is no school on Friday 10/8 and Monday 10/11. We have a teacher inservice on Friday. On Monday, Vermont celebrates Indigenous People’s Day.
- On Wednesday 10/13, the 11th graders take the PSATs.
- Looking out a few weeks … the last day of Quarter 1 is Friday, 10/22.
Here’s hoping for a little more sunshine and warmth tomorrow than the forecast predicts!
Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Feature photo: The outing club had a middle school campout last weekend.