TA Class Sponsors Food Drive for Thetford Food Shelf
October 27, 2017

Jennifer Gernhard’s Cooking for Health class is sponsoring a food drive to benefit the Thetford Food Shelf.
The class recently learned that the Thetford Food Bank is decreasing the frequency their patrons can visit. Instead of every week, they will only be able to visit every other week. This is very concerning for the patrons of the food shelf because of the significant impacts it can have on their daily lives. So, the Cooking for Health class decided to help by organizing a food drive!
If you would like to make a donation, please bring a nonperishable food item to TA before Dec. 20. There is a collection box in Mrs. Gernhard’s room, or you can bring it to the main office. The class will be gathering food until Dec. 20—with a delivery before Thanksgiving and then again before the December break.
The Cooking for Health class has already contributed to the food shelf: they made 36 cups of apple sauce and 36 servings of homemade soups during class last week, as seen in the photo above.
Thank you for your efforts to help 40 families (150+ people) who regularly use the Food Bank from Thetford, Strafford, Vershire, West Fairlee and Fairlee.