ISP Celebrates Greek Independence Day
March 27, 2018

On Sunday March 25, Thetford Academy International Student Program participants, family, and friends gathered to learn about Greek food and culture in celebration of Greek Independence Day. We started the afternoon by getting a serious upper body workout – rolling out phyllo dough into paper thin sheets that would provide the foundation for spanakopita (spinach pie) and kimatopita (meat pie). Seniors Anna Pavlidou and Artemis Tangalidou (with remote advice from Anna’s parents in Greece), showed us all how to roll out and layer the dough and shape the pies.
While we waited for our handiwork to finish baking, we munched on mousaka, tzatziki, baklava, and other delicious Greek foods as Artemis’ father, Anthimos Tangalidis, gave us some background. March 25 is as important in Greece as 4th of July is in this country as it commemorates the 1821 start of the War of Greek Independence from the Ottoman Empire. In Greece, the celebration is marked by flag parades and traditional costumes. Our food parade here in Thetford left us all pleasantly stuffed and better informed. Many thanks to Anna, Artemis, and their families for sharing a bit of their culture with us. Long Live March 25th!