Letter to Seniors: Siobhan Lopez
May 07, 2020

Dear Seniors,
I’m writing the first of what will be regular letters from some of the people at Thetford Academy who care about you. So many of us have wished we could let you know that we’re thinking about you and worrying that you might think you are forgotten in the midst of Quarantime (that’s Casey’s term for this period in history). This is how we have decided we can reach out to all of you to let you know we are thinking about you, and also to tell you some of the things we would be telling you if we saw you every day!
There’s a lot of hard stuff about this semester. The losses, the unpredictability of most aspects of life, the lack of structure. The lack of time with friends, the shift in school expectations: the list could go on. And for you, seniors, the stress of what you have to take care of now combined with the stress of the decisions and transitions you have planned for the next few months. It’s a lot to bear. I’m sorry. Really sorry that none of us can share that burden with you. But we are here standing next to you, and I know I speak for my colleagues when I say we are honored to do that.
Quaratimes has showed me some amazing things about you. Mostly that you have been willing to keep working even when it feels strange, that you have continued to look out for each other in kind and generous ways, and that you continue to look at how to help people outside your circle. It can be hard to look on the bright side of things when we’re still in the hard part, but I hope you’ll get there. You’re going to be okay. Each of you is terrific and we have loved you here at TA. We already miss you—don’t forget to visit when you can.
With respect and deep caring,
Hanover High School, Class of ‘88