Self Care Resources for Remote TA, volume 10
May 29, 2020

Happy Friday, Panthers!
Apologies for the late newsletter this week.
The end of the year is approaching, and at TA, we’re thinking about how to wrap up this crazy year and plan for the next, all while dealing with a huge batch of unknowns. It can be completely disconcerting to live in the land of unknowns.
One strategy that you can use to help stay centered is to take life and planning in short chunks. My own personal rule is to focus on the next 5 days, and no more. Focusing on the short term, on what I can control now and in the next couple days has been helpful for avoiding the spiral of worrying about the future. Here are some examples:
- You don’t know yet if your family can go on their trip planned for the end of summer. A good step for now could be to plan a hike nearby for this weekend.
- Next year you need to apply to college. In the next five days, a good step might be to visit and take a virtual tour.
- Will social distancing guidelines be lifted enough for you to have a party for your birthday in the upcoming months/year? Hard to say. But in the next five days, you can plan a Facetime phone date with your friend(s).
Hang in there Panthers! In the next five days, keep working toward the finish line of wrapping up this year successfully. We’re continually amazed by your resilience and flexibility.
Cool Things to do Online:
Podcast Recommendations:
- Science Friday – A weekly report on what’s cool in the world of Science.
- Who Would Win – A show where the hosts debate battles between fictional characters from the worlds of comics, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy.
Mental Health Resources:
- Improving Study Time during Covid
- With Senior Year in Disarray, Teens and Young Adults Feel Lost – Here’s how to help (from NPR)
Self Care Suggestions:
- Find a local swimming hole, and take a dip while the weather is hot (Don’t forget to socially distance!)
- Take time to color, paint, or do something else creative. If you want to do this with a friend, pick a theme (i.e. “tree” or “superpowers” or “food”) and create art using the same prompt.
- Unplug. Turn off your phone for a few hours or the day. Notice things you might miss when your phone is a distraction.
- Have a picnic.
Don’t forget — your Student Support Team is here to help. If you need anything, or just need to talk, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
Be well,
Rebecca, Siobhan, Mark, Sue, Deb, and Kara