Head of School Weekly Email: Survey Data, Quarter 1 Timeline, Student Opportunities
October 16, 2020

Dear TA Families & Students,
A few notes of gratitude to start off my weekly email:
- Thank you to the 139 parents/guardians and 161 students who completed our mid-quarter survey a few weeks ago. I have prepared a summary of survey results to share – click here to view.
- Kudos to our on-campus students for continued compliance with the many COVID requirements this year, such as wearing masks and spending time outdoors (even on cool rainy days like today!).
- Last Friday was a gift of time for our TA educators, and we are grateful for having inservice days during the school year to focus on our practice without students in attendance.
Quarter 1 ends October 30:
- We extended Quarter 1 through the month of October. As we shift into the final two weeks of the quarter, we encourage students and parents/caregivers to stay focused on school. Have a conversation about how classes are going, what new learning is inspiring or challenging, and what assignments are on the horizon. Please also consult Web2School together to gauge academic progress.
Student opportunities:
- Get involved in the yearbook this year! Reach out to Coach Weigel for details ([email protected]).
- Participate in a new initiative called ‘Getting to Y’. There will be both a middle school group and a high school group. Check out this video and flyer for details and a link to the application (due October 20!). Thanks to Student Assistance Provider Kara Toms for making this happen ([email protected]).
- We are gearing up to offer some choral and instrumental music activities on campus, in the theater (instrumental) and outdoors (choral). These will be very limited in scope and size and require prior sign-up and teacher permission. Reach out to Mr. Luce and Mr. VanMeter for more information: [email protected] or [email protected].
Forms and info needed from families:
- We sent home a mailing about this year’s universal free meals program, including a free/reduced lunch application, which we are asking every family to complete. Please look out for this TA letter in the mail and kindly return the form ASAP.
- The annual health office form, including emergency contact information, is still needed from some families. Click here to complete.
Wishing everyone a restorative weekend,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School