High School Parent Night, Nov. 19
November 17, 2020

Thetford Academy will hold a virtual parent night for parents and guardians of students in grades 9 through 12 on Thursday, November 19, from 7-8:30pm. Come meet the teachers who serve as pod leaders for your student’s grade level, and spend time learning about the daily routines of the pod. Select from a menu of teacher course videos to meet your student’s teachers and get insights on the course content and expectations of each course.
This event, coupled with one for middle school parents on December 3, is designed to take the place of TA’s annual Back to School Night, which typically occurs in September. We really missed the tradition of hosting and meeting parents on campus earlier this semester and hope our virtual parent nights provide a similar window onto the student experience.
HS Parent Night – Event Overview
- The event will be held on Google Meet. Parents and guardians of students in 9th-12th grades received a calendar invite and email with links to participate.
- The first part of the event is organized by grade level. There will be 4 different sessions, one for each grade: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
- The presenters for each of these sessions will include the pod teachers for that grade, a counselor or administrator, a special educator, and 1-2 additional faculty.
- The second part of the event is a community forum for parents about TA’s program during COVID, led by Head of School Carrie Brennan.
HS Parent Night – Event Agenda
Part I: Grade-Level Sessions w/Pod Teachers 7:00-8:00 p.m.
- Meet as a grade level group. Parents use the link specific to their student’s grade to join this part of the evening.
- There will be time during this hour to break into smaller pod-specific groups; directions will be given during the meeting.
- There will also be time to view teacher videos introducing themselves and their courses; directions will be given during the meeting to access this video menu.
- Parents should be prepared with their student’s course titles and teacher names, to help them navigate to the right information for their child.
Part II: Community Forum for Parents: TA during COVID 8:05-8:30 p.m.
- All parents are invited to this session, which will be led by Head of School Carrie Brennan, who will provide a mid-semester report on our fall program.
- There will be time for parent questions, using a community forum format. Panel participants to include Ms. Brennan and other school administrators.