Head of School Weekly Email: International Culture at TA, Regional Competitions & Upcoming Events
October 29, 2021

Dear TA Families,
Campus was buzzing with activity and anticipation today. Multiple teams were gearing up for major competitions: the boys and girls varsity soccer teams both have playoff games this afternoon (too early to call), the varsity cross country teams host the state championships here at TA tomorrow, and the robotics team travels to Manchester, NH tomorrow for a VEX robotics competition.
Club meetings happen on Fridays during Power Hour, so there is often extra activity and energy midday – and today was no exception. One of today’s highlights: the German club was out and about around campus doing a traveling German culture/language trivia game, dressed in traditional German clothing and playing accordion music to accompany them.
There is a lot of international influence and culture these days at TA. Check out this video promoting the international club and introducing some of our international students at TA this year, which we aired as part of the assembly on Wednesday. Today our Spanish and garden programs collaborated to bring chef Nando Jaramillo to campus for a culture and cooking activity with students, making arepas and empanadas. The main ingredient – dried corn – came right from the TA school garden. Today’s lunch menu featured Nando’s empanadas, so all of the students got a literal taste of international culture, even if they weren’t in the Spanish classes. You can read more about Nando in this Valley News article from 2019.
Reminders about upcoming events:
- Tomorrow evening 10/30 the Class of 2022 hosts the Haunted Trail event for all students. Here on the TA campus at 7:30pm. Entry is $5 or $3 if wearing a costume.
- Q1 report cards go home with students on Monday 11/1.
- Picture retakes are Tuesday morning, 11/2. Any student interested in participating must email Gloria to sign up for a photo appointment.
- Wednesday 11/3 is a half-day for TA students, with 12:10pm dismissal. This is a half-day for OESU schools as well.
- TA hosts admissions open houses on 11/7 and 11/11. Please spread the word with families you know who are in the process of researching middle school or high school options for their children.
Thanks & Happy Friday,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Featured photo: The German club puts on a wandering trivia and music show during lunch.