Q2 Report Card Mailing: Letter from the Head of School
January 26, 2022

The following letter accompanied student report cards for second quarter/first semester, which were sent home with students on January 26.
Dear Thetford Academy Parents and Families,
Enclosed you will find your student’s 1st semester report card for Fall 2021. In addition to looking at the letter grades, I encourage you to read teacher comments, which can provide helpful context about a course or perhaps an insight or highlight regarding your student’s performance in the class.
Also enclosed are the state test results (SBAC scores) from Spring 2021 for returning students in grades 8, 9, 10, and 12. State testing this year will take place in late April for middle school and in early May for high school; this will include grades 9 and 11 only. (You might recall that state testing was canceled in Spring 2020 due to the pandemic, but reinstated for Spring 2021 and Spring 2022.)
Please note the following date changes in our 2nd semester calendar. We will continue to keep you updated if there are additional calendar shifts between now and June.
- Founders’ Day has moved from February 4 to March 11.
- The half-day Community Day in March has moved from March 2 to March 9.
- The Student Roundtables event has moved from March 17 to April 6.
- Operation Day’s Work and Honors Celebration have both moved from May 11 to May 4.
There was a stretch of time last summer when we looked ahead optimistically to this school year as one that was going to be a post-covid ‘return to normal’; of course, that was before we realized what delta had in store for us and then omicron to follow. As we move through this year, I hope the challenges we’ve faced as a community are eclipsed by students’ rich experiences in classrooms and on campus: learning in person with a community of classmates and teacher, eating lunch with friends in the café, arts performances, an athletic program with audiences, participation in clubs.
Wishing for all of us a healthy 2022 ahead – and ever more opportunities to engage, connect, and learn together.
Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Thank you for supporting learning at home and staying connected to TA; together, we can best support students! Please note the following resources:
- Web2School via computer (thetford.web2school.com), TA app (“Parent/Student Portal”). Contact Gloria Konicki in the front office with questions about accessing Web2School.
- Your child’s advisor (listed in the homeroom field on the report card) is an important contact for a general check-in about your child’s progress at school.
- For specifics related to courses or graduation planning, contact your child’s counselor, also listed on the report card: Molly Dugan-Sullivan, Mark Pichette, or Rebecca Walter.
Additional ways to stay connected:
- Read the Head of School weekly email. Reach out to a teacher if you have questions. Track events on the school’s online calendar. Follow school news on the TA website, TA Facebook page, and TA Instagram account.
Photo credit: Gary Engler