Alumni, It’s Almost Reunion Season!
May 04, 2022

Pictured: The Class of 2001 celebrating their 20 year Thetford Academy reunion last summer.
Each summer, Thetford Academy alumni gather for class reunions – some at TA Alumni Association’s Alumni Day, some at Thetford Academy’s outdoor classroom, some at local spots nearby. This year, we’ve got several reunion events in the works and hope you can join us!
Alumni Day: Held on the Saturday after graduation on campus, the Thetford Academy Alumni Association welcomes alumni from all class years to join them for their annual banquet event. This year, the event is on June 11, 2022, and starts at 4:30 p.m. with happy hour and campus tours. Dinner is at 6 p.m., an Italian feast catered by Cole Cutting ’01. Register now!
Class of 1972: The Class of 1972 will be gathering for their 50th reunion on July 16, 2022 at the Thompson Hill Campground in East Corinth. Contact Jean Hayes or Nancy Manning for details.
Class of 2015: The Class of 2015 is looking forward to a belated 5-year reunion this summer! Save the Date for Saturday, August 6, 2022 for a gathering at TA’s timber framed outdoor classroom. On tap: food and drink, sunshine (hopefully!), lawn games, good friends, and plenty of reminiscing. Stay tuned for more information coming soon. Let us know if you can make it!
Class of 2012: 10 years! The Class of 2012 is planning to gather on campus on August 20th. Details are in the works – stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks. Contact person is Keri Whitman.
All classes are looking to update their classmates’ contact information so everyone gets invited to alumni events and reunions. Update yours at the button below to stay in touch!