Head of School Weekly Email: Founders’ Day, Evening Events & Other Updates
January 27, 2023

Dear TA Families,
Here is the latest news from TA …
Founders’ Day Next Week
The TA community is gearing up for our big winter tradition with Founders’ Day happening next Friday, Feb. 3. Each student will be part of a committee helping with one aspect of the Founders’ Day preparations: building a snow sculpture, designing a centerpiece, writing and performing a skit, baking cookies … these are just some of the various activities. Ask your student which committee they are on – and check back next week on committee progress and creations.
Friday Evening Events: Dance Tonight & Founders’ Night Next Week
Students are invited to social events on campus tonight and next Friday. The 10th grade class is hosting a dance this evening in the gym, with a ‘space night’ theme, open to all students. The event is from 7:30-9:30pm and entry fee is $5. Next week, following Founders’ Day, will be a special Founders’ Night event for all students from 7-10pm.
Reminder: Half Day on Feb. 1
Wednesday, February 1 will be another in our series of half-day Wednesdays this year that provide afternoon time for teacher meetings and professional development. We will also hold an intensive office hours session in the library during the afternoon for invited students to provide extra academic support. The half-day schedule is 8:10am start time and 12:10pm departure time. (See bell schedules doc for details – slide 2.)
Community Service Competition
Students have been collecting aluminum can tabs for the last few weeks as part of an effort to support David’s House, a “home away from home” for families who are seeking medical treatment at DHMC. Volunteers who work at David’s House buy supplies with the funds raised through the collection of can tabs. The grade level that collects the most can tabs by weight will be awarded Founders’ Day points. After Founders’ Day, the collected can tabs will be donated to David’s House. This competition is sponsored by the TA Upcycle Club. Thank you for supporting this effort!
Recent Lead Testing Results
We have a good news update on lead test results: Read January letter from Director of Buildings & Grounds John Brown.
Thank you,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School