Space Available in TOP Summer Leadership Programs, Sign Up Today!
April 13, 2023

Spots are filling up quickly in TOP’s Summer Leadership Program, but there is still space available for students to join TOP for exciting outdoor adventures: GLOW (Girls, Ladies, or Whoever), Vermont Adventure, and Garden Camp are still open!
GLOW is an adventure-based trip catering to women-identifying and non-binary students who are looking to gain confidence in the outdoors in a supportive environment. Trip participants will develop leadership skills, explore the role of gender in the outdoors, and learn about the natural world. The group will work together to decide the itinerary that works the best for everyone – canoeing, backpacking, rock climbing, service learning projects, and more are all on the table!
Garden Camp is a great opportunity to learn and grow in TA’s school garden and to explore the agricultural resources of the greater Upper Valley. Students will spend time working and learning in the garden at TA, with afternoon garden-inspired crafts, activities, and local field trips.
Vermont Adventure is a new, multi-experience opportunity that introduces students to all VT has to offer. Students will go rock-climbing, hiking, and canoeing, and learn about trail building and maintenance in a safe and supportive environment.
Scholarships are available for all TOP Summer programs. To register, visit TOP Summer Leadership‘s home page. Questions? Contact TOP Coordinator Scott Ellis at [email protected].