TA’s New Disc Golf Course is a Community Effort
October 25, 2023

Have you heard about the new disc golf course being built on TA’s South Campus? We are excited to share updates about this project and invite anyone who would like to get involved to join us in creating this new resource for our students and community.
Community Collaboration
So far, several students, classes and community members have contributed to the development of new disc golf course on TA’s south campus:
- Junior Connor Gaine is doing a challenge course to support building the course.
- To assist with building the tee pad forms, Jen Pratt’s math class calculated the mean, median, and mode lengths of students’ throwing distance.
- PE classes have been playing the demo course and clearing brush.
- The disc golf club has been super active with several students playing the temporary course during Power Hour on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- The Environmental Studies and Outdoor Education class visited a local course to generate ideas and is currently working on the layout of each hole.
- Pat Greene’s LC class is using a variety of math concepts while digging holes and pouring concrete to place the baskets.
- Community volunteer Dan Grossman will be lending a hand – and the use of his tractor – with the big job of clearing brush.
- Senior Finn Liland is laying cement for the tee pads as a part of his Eagle Scout project.
- Junior Brady Sloop also plans to do an Eagle Scout project where he will create benches for each tee pad.
- Parent volunteer Andy McGovern has offered his expertise with the more complex holes situated in the woods.
- The Upper Valley Disc Golf Club has supported the course with funds and consultation.
Community Work Day: Disc Golf & Garden
On Saturday, November 4, TA’s Thetford Outdoor Program is organizing a two-part community work day for volunteers. Student Connor Gaine and TOP Coordinator Scott Ellis will be leading the charge with the disc golf work, and Garden Coordinator Ehrin Lingeman will be leading a garden work party. This community work day is a great way to be a part of developing TA’s south campus and supporting our outdoor learning resources.
To get involved on November 4 or with the disc golf course in general, reach out to Scott Ellis, [email protected] or Connor Gaine [email protected]. For more details on the garden event, contact Ehrin Lingeman, [email protected].
Course Map
This is a draft of the course layout (with a more detailed map coming out in the near future).
TA Disc Golf Map
What is Disc Golf?
Disc golf is played much like golf except, instead of a ball and clubs, players use a flying disc. The sport was formalized in the 1970s and shares with golf the object of completing each hole in the fewest strokes (or, in the case of disc golf, fewest throws).
There are disc golf courses all over the world with two of the top 10 rated courses located here in Vermont. This year, VT hosted the world championship at Smugglers Notch. The sport has been dramatically growing over the last few years. It is a great pastime for people who just want to get outside, all the way to professionals who earn a living playing the sport. Enjoy this cool video about disc golf – it’s worth the watch! Video