Head of School Weekly Email: Student Opportunities, Back to School Night & Tonight’s Circus!
September 06, 2024

Dear TA Families,
Here are highlights for week 2 …
- At the Club Fair on Wednesday, a host of TA clubs shared highlights of what they do and recruited new participants for the 2024-25 school year. Disc golf, upcycle crafting, social justice, climate action, science and nature, journalism, debate – those are just a few of the topics. The club and activity list is long and has room to grow based on student interest. Ask at home what your student found interesting and how they plan to get involved during our club time on Wednesdays and Thursdays during Power Hour.
- TA School Garden Coordinator Ehrin Lingeman invites students to join her in volunteering for Willing Hands at Cedar Circle Farm. Thursday afternoons, 4-6pm, starting Sept. 12. TA transportation provided. Contact: [email protected].
- TA hosts the huge and famous cross-country meet, The Woods Trail Run, on October 5. Student (and parent) volunteers are needed! There are many different roles to play – something for everyone. Contact: [email protected].
- The World Languages department is resuming its pre-pandemic tradition of leading an international trip over spring break. The April 2025 trip to France and Spain still has spaces available. Deadline for sign up is 9/30/24. Contact: [email protected].
An Opportunity for Parents: Back to School Night on Sept. 12 We look forward to hosting parents and caregivers on campus next week for the annual Back to School Night on Thursday evening. Meet teachers, visit classrooms, and learn more about your student’s classes and curriculum. Parents are welcome to arrive at 5:45 p.m. to check in, visit informational tables, and meet school staff on the quad (or library as the rain location). The formal schedule will start at 6:00 p.m. with parents attending advisory and then following an abbreviated school-day schedule to each of their student’s classes. This flyer has more details and the evening’s schedule; each student will fill one out in advisory on Tuesday to bring home for parents to use as a guide. Reminder: The following school day, Friday, Sept. 13, is a half day, with 12:10pm dismissal.
One Final Family Opportunity: Tonight’s Circus @ TA! We hope to see some of you back on campus this evening for the Flynn Theater-hosted free community performance event. They are setting up now – looks like it’s going to be an amazing show! 6pm start time.