
From the Head of School

Welcome to TA’s website! Whatever brings you here – whether you are a current or prospective student, a panther parent or grandparent, a TA alum, a community supporter, a curious educator, or just an interested Upper Valley neighbor – we hope you find stories, facts, and program information about Thetford Academy that are useful and compelling and that capture the unique and inspired nature of our school.

The Head of School page allows me to share my weekly family letters and other blog posts with the wider world. Topics range from program highlights and parent reminders to student shout-outs and class projects – and so much more. Most importantly, I try to spotlight all of the exciting activity happening on our campus and offer a window into daily life and learning at TA.

I invite you to take time to cruise around our website to learn more about Thetford Academy, starting with the TA News page for all of the latest updates.

You can read more about me and my experience as an educator here: Carrie’s bio.

Please be in touch with questions, suggestions, and ideas to share!

Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Thetford Academy
  • Dear TA Families, Until the snow blew in on a cold wind this morning, we spent most of the week enjoying springlike days on campus. Recent weather has been conducive to a productive sugaring season thus far. Students who sugar at home were invited up at assembly on Monday to......

  • Dear TA Families, Every Monday we come together as a school community in our weekly assembly. The whole school – students and staff – convene in the Vaughan Alumni Gymnasium to share accolades, watch student performances, make announcements, and learn about upcoming events and opportunities. One of our school goals......

  • Guest post by TA student Elijah Renner ’26. Thetford Academy students gathered on Wednesday, February 26, at the Vermont State House to support the proposed bipartisan Phone and Social Media-Free Schools bill (H.54). The bill has two key state-wide provisions: banning personal electronic devices during the school day and prohibiting......

  • Dear TA Families, We jumped back into school routines this week, moving into the second half of Q3. There were signs of spring on Thetford Hill upon our return from break, with some dewy days and melting snow, birdsong in the air, and sap buckets on the trees. Triple Header......

  • Dear TA Families, In keeping with my ‘things we love at TA’ theme from last Friday, here are a few more shout-outs, promotions, and dates to save: Wishing everyone a good February Break!  Carrie Brennan, Head of School...

  • Dear TA Families, On the list of things we love at TA … Speaking of this afternoon, another thing we appreciate at TA is time set aside in the school calendar for the adults to meet, learn, and work collaboratively. We know that PD half-days (like today) and inservice days can be......

  • Dear TA Families, Lots to highlight in the realm of student creativity this week: First, Founders’ Day! Students were busy in their Founders’ Day committees today finalizing the planning process in the morning and putting all of their ideas into action throughout the day. Each student is on one of eight......

  • Dear TA Families, January is a great time to set new intentions and goals. This week’s email features a handful of extracurricular programs and events happening this semester for students who want to stretch themselves beyond the TA campus. While many have registration fees, most offer scholarships or a sliding......

  • Dear TA Families, I want to thank the parents, grandparents, family friends, and community mentors who were able to attend end-of-semester presentations and performances in recent weeks. We know it is not easy to carve out the time during the work day and appreciate your participation. By showing up, you......

  • Dear TA Families, As the rhythms of the school year go, a highlight for me as each semester comes to a close is attending final presentations in classes. Being in the audience as students proudly, thoughtfully, nervously – but also confidently – share their work and creativity, their reflections, and......

  • Dear TA Families, Early January is a busy time of transition, as we return from holiday break and jump back into classes. Students are working on culminating projects, essays, performances, exams, and reflections during this final stretch of the semester. Please encourage and support students as they prep for important deadlines in the coming days......

  • Dear TA Families, In keeping with the season of giving, our assembly this week featured a variety of clubs and classes generously raising funds and awareness for community needs on both the local and global levels. It was inspiring to have so many student groups modeling our school values of......



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.