Poinsettias for Sale to Benefit France Trip
November 03, 2017

Dec. 2 Update:
Poinsettias will be delivered on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 8-9. If you purchased one (or several) to support TA panthers traveling to France this April, stop by the Art Room on Friday from 3 to 7 p.m., or Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m., to pick yours up. Merci!
Original Nov. 3 Post:
High School students in TA’s French program will travel to Paris, the Loire Valley, and Normandy next April. As part of their fundraising efforts, they are selling poinsettias in time for the holiday season.
Poinsettias will be available for pick-up at Thetford Academy on Friday, Dec. 8, and Saturday, Dec. 9. These are beautiful plants, available in red or white, and typically last well into January with a little TLC.
Orders must be placed by Tuesday, Nov. 7.
Interested? See one of our student travelers, pick up a form in the main office, or download an order form here.
Questions? Contact Tim Ouellette, Karen Heinzmann, or Karyn Neubauer.