3rd in Poetry Out Loud State Championships
March 20, 2019

Eloise Silver Van Meter placed third in the Vermont Poetry Out Loud State Championships held at Vermont PBS Studios in Colchester on March 18th.
To reach the championship, Eloise first won TA’s contest, then advanced from the semifinals at the Barre Opera House, and finally performed at PBS. Pictured: Eloise reciting Lani O’Hanlon’s “Back up Quick They’re Hippies,” while delivering the line “long-haired men and women / curled around each other like babies.”
Eloise also recited Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The Children’s Hour” and Brenda Cárdenas’s “Zacuanpapalotls.” The overall winner hails form South Burlington High School, and the runner-up from St. Johnsbury Academy.