Mountain Day, Year 41
September 16, 2019

One of Thetford Academy’s most iconic traditions falls on the second Friday of every September. Mountain Day was founded 41 years ago by then Headmaster Frederick G. Torrey and quickly took root as an important event in both TA’s calendar and culture.
On Mountain Day, students gather on Thetford Academy’s quad before heading out with their class to one of the six mountains visible from TA’s front steps. Each class tackles one mountain per year, with the goal of having hiked each of the six peaks by the time they graduate from TA.
Beginning in 7th grade, students will hike Mt. Cube, Black Mountain, Smarts Mountain, Cardigan Mountain, Mt. Ascutney, and Mt. Moosilauke. There is also a shorter, less physically demanding alternate hike available for students.
This year, Mother Nature brought perfect weather for TA’s Mountain Day—clear and cool with plenty of sunshine. In Vermont and New Hampshire, the leaves were just starting to change, making the views a payoff worth hiking for. Next year, TA students will move on to their next peak and TA’s 42nd annual year of this tradition.