2019 Thetford Geography Bee Friday, Nov. 15
November 04, 2019

The Thetford Historical Society has announced the date and theme for the 8th annual Thetford Geography Bee. The Bee, scheduled for Friday, November 15, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Thetford Academy Cafe, will focus on the theme of “Migrations,” a topic that the Historical Society has been exploring with their “Migration Nation” series this year.
The questions will explore the theme’s geographical aspects (physical, cultural, political) with questions drawn from the Migration Nation events. There will be two divisions based on age/grade level: the youth division will include grades 5-8 and the adult division will include grades 9 and older. Three-person youth and adult teams will answer multiple choice questions posed by the moderators.
Registration is $30 per team (youth registration is free), and can be made payable to the Thetford Historical Society. Spectators are welcome, though they may not offer any hints! Questions about the event? Contact [email protected] or visit www.thetfordhistoricalsociety.org/2019GeoBee.php.