Head of School Weekly Email: Video Message about the Semester 2 Plan
January 21, 2021

Dear TA Families & Students,
My weekly email today focuses on looking ahead to the next half of the school year. Below are 3 resources designed to provide the TA community with information about our 2nd semester plan and to support families with their decision-making process.
1. Video message to explain TA’s 2nd semester plan (9:41 minutes in length): LINK
2. Set of slides shared in the video: LINK
3. Official sign-up form to indicate each student’s option for 2nd semester – please submit by midnight on Monday, Jan. 25. [Students & family members: Refer to the weekly HOS email sent on Thursday, Jan. 21 for the link to this form.]
Reminders for next week: No school on Monday, Jan. 25. We will be celebrating a COVID-year version of our beloved Founders Day activities in pods on Tues, Thur, Fri. Please bring all 1st semester textbooks back to campus. Second semester classes will launch on Wednesday, Jan. 27 – and then we will really dive into the new schedule starting Monday, Feb. 1.
As always, please reach out with questions or for help, and we will connect you to the assistance you need. Students and parents should contact their counselor for support regarding schedule changes, if needed. Dean of Students Siobhan Lopez is the main contact for families regarding pod/campus options.
Thank you,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School