Help Thetford Residents Save Energy: Volunteer Opportunities
August 03, 2021
The Strafford and Thetford Energy Committees are collaborating with WindowDressers (WD), a nonprofit organization, to make 300 custom-built, interior storm window inserts for Strafford and Thetford residents. In Thetford, the group is also working with Thetford Elementary School to make 125 insulating window inserts for the school, with the goal of to reducing TES’s energy use, making the school more comfortable, and saving on school energy costs.
Michael Kiess, Joint Thetford Energy Committee chair, is seeking community volunteers to help assemble the inserts. No experience or special skills needed and all are welcome and encouraged to participate. Workshops will be at the North Thetford Church, 5470 US Route 5. Come volunteer for a good cause and share a meal with your neighbors and friends. Sign up using the links below.
August 5 to 12 for the TES inserts. Sign up at
September 11 to 16 for the community inserts. Sign up at
Questions? Contact: Michael Kiess, Joint Thetford Energy Committee Chair, 802-299-5864