Head of School Weekly Email: Roundtable Day Reflections, Parent Workshop, State Testing & More
April 07, 2023

Dear TA Families,
Roundtable Reflections
Congratulations to all of the students who did their portfolio presentations during our first of two roundtable days on Wednesday! Students in grades 7, 8, and 10 presented to their peers in advisory, and students in grade 9 will do the same next month. Meanwhile, our seniors had a ‘higher stakes’ setting of presenting to a fuller audience of their fellow advisees, a group of juniors, family members, and a panel of three TA educators who served as evaluators.
I had the privilege of participating in four of the senior roundtable presentations and was wowed with the richness of their reflections on their learning and growth during their years at TA. Students shared evidence from their academic and extracurricular experiences that spanned all of the opportunities we offer – bringing in examples from the various departments (from French to Math to Social Studies and more), as well as athletics, robotics, internships, clubs, and summer programs. The Class of 2023 is the first group to have the portfolio and roundtable be components of their graduation requirements; although they haven’t always been enthusiastic about their role as the pilot group, they are rising to the occasion and have prepared thoughtful and authentic portfolios to present to the school community. Thank you, seniors, for leading the way!
Parent Workshop – April 18
Thetford Academy is hosting a parent workshop on underage drinking, vaping, and cannabis use. ‘How to Talk So Kids Will Listen’ is an in-person session at TA on April 18 from 6-7:30pm. The session is based on SAMHSA‘s national ‘Talk. They Hear You.” campaign and will be facilitated by TA’s Student Assistance Provider Kara Toms. No registration required. Contact Kara with questions or more information: [email protected].
State Testing – Grades 7, 8, 9, 11
Thetford Academy will be participating in the required Vermont state testing program, which is piloting a new assessment this year. Students in grades 7-9 will take the English/Language Arts assessment on 4/12 and 4/13 and the Math assessment on 4/19 and 4/20. Students in grades 8 and 11 will take the Science assessment on 5/4 and 5/5.
Other Upcoming Dates:
- Spring Semi-Formal sponsored by the junior class (for grades 9-12 only) is April 14.
- Spring sports kick off their competition schedules next week – check the calendar for details.
- TA Student Appreciation Week is April 17-21.
- Spring break is April 24-28.
- Roundtable Day #2 is May 3. (Also a half day.)
- National Teacher Appreciation Day is May 9.
- Operation Day’s Work is May 10 – and the ODW club is seeking ’employers’ for the special service learning day. Contact [email protected] with questions or requests for student workers on that day.
Spring seems to be just about here – enjoy! And happiest of holidays to those who are celebrating today and Sunday and throughout the weekend.
Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Featured photos this week: A couple of our senior presenters in action on Wednesday, sharing highlights of their high school experience and critical moments in their growth as a learner/student/person.