Head of School Weekly Email: Snowy Saturday Edition
March 23, 2024

Dear TA Families,
What can we say about March in Vermont? It’s nothing if not unpredictable!
I’m sending out a shorter message to our community today, highlighting a few weather-related schedule changes and other upcoming calendar reminders.
Event updates:
- The One Act Regional Festival, taking place at Thetford Academy, has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Sunday, March 24. (Link here to read about the TA team’s performance and purchase tickets.)
- The Debate State Tournament, taking place at St. Michael’s College in Colchester, has also been postponed until tomorrow.
- The 2nd in our series of Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Community Conversations, originally scheduled for March 24, has been postponed until Thursday, March 28, 3:30-5pm. (Link here to read more & RSVP.)
In other calendar news:
- Congrats to our 7th, 8th, and 9th graders for persevering through the required VT state testing in math and language arts the past couple of weeks – and also our 10th graders who took the PSAT-10 assessment. Next up: 8th and 11th graders will take the required VT state testing in science on April 10-11.
- The spring sports season officially kicks off on Monday, March 25 for HS teams (and in early April for MS teams).
- April will be an important month for our 8th through 11th grades as they embark on course registration for the 2024-25 school year. This is a good time to begin conversations at home about academic goals and opportunities for the upcoming year and how they tie into one’s journey through high school – and beyond. More details to come.
- April 8 is a half day due to the eclipse (for safety reasons and educational reasons – see March 5 email for more details).
- Don’t forget (and I’m sure you won’t!): Spring break at TA is the week of April 22-26.
Stay safe out there. We can compare which towns got more inches on Monday
Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Photos this week feature alumni experts on campus: We welcomed filmmaker Molly Longwell, TA class of 2011, to do a power hour presentation about her career and latest project, Disco. Molly will be filming on the TA campus during our spring break in April – and was also recruiting for extras! Ted Peters, Class of 1963 and retired TA educator, was a guest speaker in the environmental studies and outdoor education class. Ted shared his experience with sugaring and how syrup production fits into his approach to land stewardship and homesteading. Having lived adjacent to TA land his entire life, Ted also shared some of his vast knowledge about TA’s forests, fields, and trails.