Head of School Weekly Email: Reflections on the Bridge Re-Opening, the Presidential Election, and Our TA Community
November 09, 2024

Dear TA Families,
Next week, at long last, the bridge connecting Thetford, VT and Lyme, NH will reopen. While only 18 months in duration, the project took place over the course of three school years, starting in the spring semester of 2022-23 and ending in the fall semester of 2024-25. What a relief for our Lyme students and families – and some of our TA staff – whose daily commute to and from Thetford Academy tripled in length.
One TA parent from Lyme posted a reflection on the town listserv about the silver lining experience of finding new routes, patience, and discoveries over the 18 months: “We settled in – what choice did we have? We tried to find the beauty in the drive. The delay with the traffic light across the bridge in Fairlee was a time to pause and enjoy the beauty of the Connecticut and the spectacular view. … We discovered Chapman’s and Red Clover Bike Shop.” And she describes coming to appreciate the extra time in the car with her daughter to chat and each prep for their day. Thanks to Beth Kenney for sharing this thoughtful look back.
The bridge re-opening is a reminder to me of the many places our students come from and the journeys they each take to school. As Harley Ransom ’23 pointed out in his graduation speech a couple of Junes ago (poking fun at his complaining Lyme classmates newly adjusting to a long commute), there are many students whose normal bus and car rides are 40+ minutes one way to TA. Our students come from as far south as Perkinsville, Weathersfield, and Hartland; as far north as Orange and Washington; as far west as Tunbridge and Chelsea. And many towns and villages in between!
Which brings me to thoughts on this week’s presidential election. It might seem like a leap – but stay with me.
Thetford Academy is a diverse place. We each travel to school from different locations, bringing with us the values and perspectives, skills and experiences, resources and priorities – and politics – of our homes, families, and towns. Equally true is that we work hard to create and foster a common ground at school. It’s part of our mission and values as a school to do so. It’s also a necessary reality in order to be an awesome and equitable learning environment. We come together each day on campus and enter into a community made richer by the many diverse parts that make up our whole.
We live in an extremely divided country right now. We all know that. The news reminds us daily; we see the demographic and survey data; and sometimes we experience firsthand the divisiveness in our own neighborhoods, workplaces, town stores – and schools. At Thetford Academy we are committed to not letting our differences become divisions that tear us apart. This aspiration becomes an ever stronger reality when all of us buy in and play a role.
Building and fostering a sense of community is forever work. It can be hard but also joyful – and is always worth it. I invite all of us to reflect on ways that we can contribute.
In community,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Featured photos this week: Images of the Thetford-Lyme bridge and final phases of construction from the NH DOT’s latest project update.