Head of School Weekly Email: Exploring Extracurriculars, Founders’ Day & Other Feb. Dates
January 31, 2025

Dear TA Families,
January is a great time to set new intentions and goals. This week’s email features a handful of extracurricular programs and events happening this semester for students who want to stretch themselves beyond the TA campus. While many have registration fees, most offer scholarships or a sliding scale; TA also has a small fund we can tap to support student experiences.
This is just a sampling of the many opportunities around the Upper Valley and in the wider world. We encourage students to explore new interests and pursue their passions!
Winter Circus Camp
Upper Valley Circus Collective’s winter camp in Thetford is back again over February break. Learn circus skills like acro/tumbling, aerial arts, juggling, diablo, devil sticks, plate spinning, tightwire, hula hoops, stilts, unicycle and clowning. All ages and levels welcome! More info: www.uvcircus.com.
Regional History, Geography & Science Bees
Students in middle school are invited to participate in one or more of these three academic competitions taking place on March 1 at Crossroads Academy in Lyme. More info and registration links: www.iacompetitions.com.
Future Doctors Program
This online weekend program is open to students in grades 8-12 who are interested in exploring the medical fields. Covering a range of topics from genetics to immunology to organic chemistry. The March session dates are March 1-2 and 8-9. TA students have an extended deadline until Feb. 20 for the early registration fee. (There is another session in May, too.) Link to the program website.
Gaming & Film Making @ JAM
JAM is promoting spring sessions of their film making and gaming clubs for students in middle grades (weekly sessions, March through May). Details and registration: uvjam.org/film-club. For high school students, JAM has a media fellowship: uvjam.org/jam-high-school-media-fellows.
Vermont Chess Tournament
This annual event takes place March 29 at Lamoille Union HS and is open to all Vermont students in grades K-12. To learn more and register: vermontchess.org.
And for students looking for experiences closer to home, look no further than …
Spring Sports @ TA
While we root for our favorite ski, indoor track, and basketball teams, it’s not too early to plan ahead for the next sports season. Look for details and registration links for spring sports from Director of Athletics & Activities Bri Barnes in the coming weeks. TA offers baseball, softball, and track and field in the spring – all at the high school and middle school levels. TA Contact: [email protected].
Summer Outdoor Leadership Program @ TA
Enrollment is open for TA’s summer outdoor leadership trips and programs! Contact person is TOP Coordinator Scott Ellis, [email protected]. Details, dates, and registration links are on the TA website.
Power Hour Clubs @ TA
Clubs meet weekly during power hour on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Check in with your student about how they used their time during ‘sign-up’ days last semester and what their intentions are for this semester.
Lastly, here are some February dates of note:
Feb. 6 Founders’ Day Prep (regular school day)
Feb. 7 Founders’ Day! (regular school day)
Feb. 7 Founders’ Night, 6-9pm
Feb. 10 College Session for Juniors, 2nd Session, 6pm
Feb. 14 Half Day, 8:10am-12:10pm (teacher PD in the afternoon)
Feb. 15 Robotics State Championship Meet
Feb. 24-28 February Break – no school
Think snow! We need a few more inches for building awesome snow sculptures next week. In the spirit of snow, featured photos this week include the TA ski team at Bromley this week and the PE classes nordic skiing here on campus.
Have a great weekend,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School