Head of School Weekly Email: Founders’ Day Committees, AVA Art Show & Recent AOE Guidance for Schools
February 07, 2025

Dear TA Families,
Lots to highlight in the realm of student creativity this week:
First, Founders’ Day! Students were busy in their Founders’ Day committees today finalizing the planning process in the morning and putting all of their ideas into action throughout the day. Each student is on one of eight committees for their grade level – mural, snow sculpture, skit/song/dance, cookies, centerpiece, costumes and crowns, sled/float, and banner. Check in at home to learn more about your student’s committee activity and creativity. On Monday, we will celebrate Thetford Academy’s 82nd Founders’ Day, a tradition started in the 1940s to restore spirit in the years of rebuilding following the fire that destroyed the school’s original campus.
Second, the 17th annual AVA Gallery High School Exhibition! Congratulations to the 10 Thetford Academy artists whose work was selected for the upcoming community show.
- Maya Dixon ’25
- Rosie Dotter ’28
- Reagan Ekegren ’27
- Harper Grant ’28
- Gabby Hayes ’27
- Leo Maverick ’28
- Esau Moreno ’28
- Riley Punchar ’28
- Veena Wang ’28
- Caroline Watts ’25
The exhibit opens February 21 with a special evening event from 5-7pm (the public is invited and admission is free) and runs through March 21. Details, directions and more at the AVA Gallery website.
Vermont AOE on Recent Federal Actions
On a more serious note, I want to share highlights of recent guidance from the Vermont Agency of Education in relation to executive orders and actions at the federal level. A few of you have inquired, as have students, as to how what is happening on a national level could impact us here at Thetford Academy.
- Regarding immigration status, the guidance from the AOE to school leaders states that ‘Public schools may not deny access to students based on immigration status’ and cites Supreme Court case Plyler v. Doe (1982) when reinforcing the message that ‘all students, including undocumented students, have a right to attend public schools.’ Read the full memo from Education Secretary Saunders here.
- Regarding protections for transgender and gender nonconforming students, the AOE guidance states that ‘protections for LGBTQIA+ students are enshrined in Vermont law and have not been diminished in any way.’ The Jan. 31 email from Secretary Saunders further states that ‘our commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all students remains unwavering.’
Obviously there is a lot of change happening at the federal level right now. We will try our best to keep you updated in the coming weeks and months regarding how these changes might (or might not) impact us locally. For now, it is clear based on the recent guidance from Vermont AOE that our current policies and practices at TA are protected – and that we can stay focused on and true to our mission and values as a school.
Wishing everyone a good weekend,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School