Head of School Weekly Email: More Things We Love!
February 22, 2025

Dear TA Families,
In keeping with my ‘things we love at TA’ theme from last Friday, here are a few more shout-outs, promotions, and dates to save:
- Our Artists! A reminder that tonight 2/21 from 5-7pm is the opening reception for the AVA Gallery annual exhibit of high school artists. Congrats to all of the TA artists whose work was selected. Check out Caroline Watts’ painting in the photos below.
- Basketball! The middle school teams wrapped up their season last night, playing together as a co-ed team, with a win against Sharon. Congrats to all of our middle school athletes! It’s Senior Night tonight for the high school boys’ teams. Come out and cheer them on against Hazen – the final games of the regular season (JV at 5:30, Varsity at 7pm). Stay tuned for more details on the playoff schedule, which starts next week. Meanwhile, the girls’ teams have one more week of games before post-season competition begins, and their final home game is on Monday.
- Travel! The Class of 2029 will be away March 6-7 for the 8th grade overnight at Hulbert Outdoor Center. This local travel experience helps them prepare for their bigger adventure to Montreal in April. Contact person for the Hulbert trip: your student’s 8th grader advisor or [email protected].
- TA Robotics! The NH-VT championship meet was postponed last weekend due to the big storm. The panther robotics competitors have been hard at work in their studio (aka the portable on the quad, also known as the ‘robotics mansion’) around the clock – including on weekends and snow days! If you’re on campus over break and see the lights on, you’ll know who is putting in extra hours to prep for their big competition, rescheduled for March 8.
- Getting to Y! This action-oriented leadership club at TA continues to go deep with public health data from the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey and push forward on initiatives that support their fellow students. Last Friday they hosted a data forum, which was well attended and included students across the grade levels, 7-12. Check out a couple of photos of the student-led sessions below. (And read about some of our Getting to Y members being tapped in regional leadership roles, too!)
- Outdoor Adventures! The environmental studies and outdoor education class had a midweek overnight at the Dartmouth Outing Club cabin on Moose Mountain, which was part of their wilderness first aid unit. The temps were quite cold! But the group made it through the experience. Check out a couple of photos below.
Wishing everyone a good February Break!
Carrie Brennan, Head of School