
TA News

Head of School Weekly Email: Triple Header Saturday – Robotics, Debate, and Basketball!

Student Caroline Watts and art teacher Karyn Neubauer pose with Caroline's painting and honorable mention certificate.

Dear TA Families,

We jumped back into school routines this week, moving into the second half of Q3. There were signs of spring on Thetford Hill upon our return from break, with some dewy days and melting snow, birdsong in the air, and sap buckets on the trees.

Triple Header on March 8
Tomorrow is an exciting triple header of a day for Panther competitors and their fans. At the crack of dawn, the robotics team heads south to Manchester, New Hampshire for their long-awaited VT/NH two-state championship meet at Manchester Community College, while the debate team travels north to Colchester, VT for the annual high school debate championship at St. Michael’s College. Later in the day, the boys basketball team will play in the championship round of the playoffs against Hazen Union High School; game time is 7:30 pm and the venue is the fabled ‘Aud’ in Barre, VT. 

We wish all of the teams success and a sense of accomplishment in their competitions tomorrow! Regardless of the outcome though, we are so proud of all of the students for pursuing their passions and participating at this level. It takes a lot of discipline, practice, skill, teamwork, and commitment. We also thank the coaches and parents for all of their support, guidance, and encouragement!

A Double Win in the Arts
Kudos to Caroline Watts ’25 for making the most of her senior year. In the weeks leading up to break she received two awards, showcasing her expertise in the visual arts and stretching herself in a new arena of the performing arts. Caroline won the school-level competition of Poetry Out Loud at TA on Feb. 10 and was tapped to advance to the first round of state performances. Then, at the AVA Gallery reception for the high school exhibit on Feb. 21, she received the honorable mention award for the painting category. Congratulations, Caroline!

One Act Play Performances, March 14-15
Speaking of the arts, the drama department invites the community to their performances of the one act play, Rue, next weekend. The students will host a feedback session with the audience each night to help them prepare for the Regional One Act Festival on March 22 (hosted by Thetford Academy!). Visit the TA website to read more about the play, get performances and cast details, and purchase tickets.

Half Day on March 14
Reminder: Our school calendar includes a half-day on Friday, March 14, as part of our series of afternoon professional development days for teachers. The school day will follow our regular half-day schedule, 8:10am-12:10pm. 

Have a great weekend,

Carrie Brennan, Head of School



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.