
TA News

Dear TA Class of 2020, In the photo above, I was just about to graduate from high school, much as you are now.  I think I was there to have my photo taken for graduation or yearbook or something, and it was already hot outside, probably in late May.  So, I was wearing a coat, a tie, and logically, shorts.  I think I even remember walking to school to have this taken since my car was not working (again).  What I also remember of that time was a mix of excitement and terror, confidence and confusion, looking forward and looking back, wanting...

Dear Class of 2020, It has been an absolute pleasure to witness your growth from eight and ninth graders to the young adults that you are today. The performances, Founders’ Days, end of year celebrations, all of the talent, humor, creativity and athleticism collectively all make you the exceptional group that you are! I remember how I felt when I graduated from Woodsville High School in 2007. Senior year was a mix of excitement, anticipation and more than a little nervousness for what was to come. But the most important part is the fact that I was about to head...

Dear Seniors,  I’m writing the first of what will be regular letters from some of the people at Thetford Academy who care about you.  So many of us have wished we could let you know that we’re thinking about you and worrying that you might think you are forgotten in the midst of Quarantime (that’s Casey’s term for this period in history). This is how we have decided we can reach out to all of you to let you know we are thinking about you, and also to tell you some of the things we would be telling you if we saw...

Dear TA Families & Students, May arrived in fine form this past weekend with blooms and sunshine. Spring is really here, and we are in the 6-week countdown to the end of the year. Hard to believe! In the TA spirit of togetherness, we are striving to foster school community, spotlight student accomplishments, and stay connected with one another despite our stay-at-home status. We can't make up for the 'real deal' springtime traditions, but we are seeking new ways to celebrate students, honor our seniors, and maintain a feeling of panther pride. Read the planning update for honoring the Class of 2020 and other year-end...

With many of Thetford Academy's traditional end-of-year milestone events on hold as a result of Covid-19, we are working hard to ensure that our students don't miss out and that every student feels valued, supported, and celebrated. Graduation for the Class of 2020: Though we may not be able mark graduation day in the same way we have in the past, we are developing ideas on how best to make this important event as meaningful and celebratory as possible for the senior class and their families. Our goal is to incorporate many of our TA student-centered traditions into the ceremony....

Greetings Incoming Class of 2024, Welcome to your first official responsibility as a high schooler and student of Thetford Academy!  Course registrations look nothing like they have in your previous years at TA. Please bear with us as we go through this new process together.  Registration this year is entirely digital, you can view all documents online, and you will submit your registration electronically.  If this is in any way a hardship for you or your family please let us know, we can work with you to find an alternative arrangement.  The deadline for priority registration in classes is 3 pm on Friday,...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.