March Student of the Month: Caitlyn Town
April 04, 2018

Our March Student of the Month is a senior who has the power and enthusiasm to make good things happen. While that description applies to quite a few people in the class of 2018, because she is essentially a force of nature, this senior stands out. Her power is all the more remarkable because of the fact that she might very well be the tiniest member of this year’s graduating class. Caitlyn Town is this month’s honoree because she has so many of the qualities that we value at Thetford Academy.
Caitlyn is organized and friendly, an upbeat individual who always has a plan. In the classroom, she gives 100%, and outside of the classroom, she unselfishly gives her time to make our community better. This year, she graced the stage at the Mr. TA Pageant, and helped to raise much needed funds for Raise Rwanda. Not only is she a willing volunteer, but she also knows how to motivate others. Seniors know her as the voice who reminds them that they better get their yearbook stuff turned in, or else; and when the class of 2018 ends up with a great yearbook Caitlyn will be one of the main people we all should thank.
As a student, Caitlyn is always on track, and helps her teachers to keep organized as well. In Psychology, Caitlyn brings up topics that should be discussed but otherwise might be skipped, and she is a creative scholar who put herself out there in her research project in very courageous ways. She is an enthusiastic learner, and quite simply, a joy to teach.
Caitlyn impresses Ms. Silver with her enthusiasm, hard work and organizational skills. Ms. Silver notes, “Caitlyn likes to prepare as thoroughly as she can, so for reading quizzes, she takes copious notes. For vocabulary and grammar quizzes, she makes flash cards and asks her dad to quiz her.”
Jennifer Yocom writes, “I have loved having Caitlyn in Chorus. She works hard, is quick to laugh, has a good, strong alto voice, and is consistently kind to everyone. I appreciate her strong sense of responsibility, whether it’s looking after all the details of producing a yearbook, or just notifying teachers of absences and schedule changes. She has a strong sense of what’s important in life, valuing her family and friends above all else. She’s a great person and I feel lucky to have had her as a student.”
For all that Caitlyn Town contributes to our community, we are grateful to this dynamic senior, and pleased to honor her as our March 2018 Student of the Month.