Self-Care Resources for Remote TA, volume 2
March 25, 2020

Dear Panthers,
We hope you’re all continuing to do well. As we move to “Stay at Home” in Vermont, it’s more important than ever to take care of ourselves. We’ve seen amazing things at Remote TA, and love watching how you are learning and connecting with one another from across distances.
Here are some new resources to check out to help with self care and stress relief during this weird time. Some are educational, some are fun. We need both right now!
Cool Things to do Online:
- 12 Famous Museums with Virtual Tours
- Children’s Author and Illustrator Mo Willems does a Daily Lunch Doodle
- Watch Broadway Shows at Home
Mental Health Resources
Self-Care Suggestions:
- Get outside
- We are so lucky we live in a state with beautiful outdoor space. Take a walk, take some photos, enjoy nature. Breathe.
- Cook or bake
- Feed your soul and your belly
- Journal
- These are interesting times! Write what it’s like. Maybe you’ll show it to your children one day.
- Write a letter to your future self
We hope you are all well. If you’re struggling with any part of Remote TA (academics, mental health, loneliness, or anything else), please reach out to a member of your Student Support Team (SST). We’re here to help.
Be well,
The SST Team
Siobhan, Mark, Rebecca, Kara, Deb, and Sue