Head of School Community Email – April 16
April 16, 2020

Dear TA Families & Students,
The daffodils are in bloom on the TA quad, providing a bit of cheer on an otherwise eerily quiet campus. We miss you all!
I am writing this week with announcements and reminders related to the next phase of our spring semester:
- Next week is spring break and classes will not be in session. We hope the week off from the remote learning routine is a helpful break and also provides some students the opportunity to catch up in classes where it’s needed.
- Tomorrow, Friday 4/17 is a normal school day for Remote TA. The half-days originally in the calendar for teacher professional development on 4/17 and 5/22 have been replaced with our new Wednesday schedule.
- The free meals program for Thetford children continues uninterrupted through spring break. Families can still sign up for this resource. Details are in the Remote TA section of our website.
- State-mandated testing is cancelled for Spring 2020. More info is available on the Vermont Agency of Education website.
- Course registration for 2020-2021 is taking place in April and May. We started with the rising seniors earlier this month and are progressing week by week with the younger grade levels in succession. The counseling department is coordinating the registration process and sends all communications to the student and parent email lists with dates and details.
We hope remote learning is going smoothly in your household. Please reach out for support when needed; we have many people and resources available to help families troubleshoot challenges. Check out the Remote TA pages on the TA website for contacts and updates about remote learning, including additional activities for students who are looking for more challenges.
The State of Vermont is also a good source of information to support families through this experience: https://education.vermont.gov/covid19-continuity-of-learning/information-for-parents.
Stay safe and enjoy the spring blooms,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School