Q4 Report Card Mailing: Letter from Head of School
June 25, 2021

June 25, 2021
Dear Thetford Academy Parents and Families,
This mailing marks the official end of the 2020-2021 school year. Enclosed with my letter, you will find the final report card for your student(s) and the school calendar for 2021-22.
What an historic journey this year has been. We tackled the challenges of navigating unknown territory and constantly changing conditions with our best minds and biggest hearts. At times, each of us had to be bold, be humble, be creative, be patient. We had to have incredible stamina to keep going – and going. Sometimes we had to let go and other times we had to fiercely advocate. We collaborated and compromised. We had to ask for help and give help.
We should all be proud of our community’s collective efforts this year. Together, we made it through the pandemic – and we did so in record-breaking TA fashion. Not a single day of school closure due to Covid. Not a single employee case. No quarantining due to a school case.
We ended the year with a strong finish. Campus was buzzing with activity in 4th quarter … Classes meeting in person, drama performances on improvised outdoor stages, a robotics club gearing up for fall, double track and field state championships, a baseball team that went all the way to the finals, the student alliance for racial justice leading us, the Getting to Y groups making public health recommendations, seniors celebrating their prom, and a Class Day assembly all together to give the Class of 2021 a proper send off. Nothing about this school year was ‘normal’, but the final months were a welcome return to familiarity and an inspiring transition to all that awaits us next fall.
We encourage students to stay active this summer in whatever ways inspire and engage them. At TA we have a number of opportunities for both new and returning students.
- Most of our TA sports provide practices 1-2 afternoons a week, June-August. The summer athletics program is optional, open to all, and led by volunteer coaches.
- There is still room in the TA Summer Challenge program in July (3 spots for middle schoolers and up to 12 spots for high schoolers).
- There are also 2-3 spots still open on the TOP Connecticut River canoe trip, July 11-16.
- The contact person for all of the above TA summer opportunities is Athletic Director & Summer Coordinator Blendon Salls, [email protected]
Please note: Schedules for 2021-2022 are not included in this mailing. High school students received their schedule in early June. We are sending out middle school schedules next week.
On behalf of all of us at TA, we wish you and your family a healthy and restorative summer.
Carrie Brennan, Head of School