Head of School Weekly Email: Mid-November News
November 18, 2022

Dear TA Families,
On Thursday, we created some extra time for students to work with teachers in office hours sessions and for clubs to meet. While these opportunities are available every week during power hour, the middle of the day can feel rushed and compete with lunch. Ask your student what they chose to do during our special activity schedule yesterday morning, and if they found the time helpful and productive.
Students also started developing their personalized learning plan (PLP) in advisory this week. The PLP is now online and is integrated into the student portfolio. As I mentioned last month: Students can access their portfolio at any time and don’t need to wait for a teacher or advisor to prompt them. Ask your student to share their portfolio at home – available through their Google suite by clicking on the Sites app.
Counseling announcements are often geared toward seniors and juniors regarding college rep visits -t but here is an important message for 10th graders (and 9th graders, too)! On 11/21 and 11/30, TA will host rep visits from the Alzar School and the Mountain School, two semester-away programs. Application deadlines for next school year are coming up, so if this is something you are considering as part of your high school journey, talk with your parents and counselor and plan ahead. An overview and links to some semester programs can be found on the TA website: https://thetfordacademy.org/academics/extended-learning.
We hope to see you on campus this weekend. The play and the craft bazaar will not disappoint!
Reminder: TA will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday November 23-27.
Thanks and have a great weekend,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School
Featured photos this week: Soap making lab in 9th grade science. Student sushi demo – and sushi making! – in modern world history class. Some crazy competitions between grades in assembly on Monday. (Featured photo: Giving thanks and sharing a meal in Mr. Engler’s advisory.)