Head of School Weekly Email: Exam Week Details & Weekend Events
January 06, 2023

Dear TA Families,
Thank you again for supporting the day of remote learning on Wednesday. We really appreciate everyone’s flexibility and adaptability!
Early January is a pivotal time in the academic calendar at TA. Students return from holiday break and immerse themselves back into classes for the final stretch of the semester. Students are working on culminating projects, essays, performances, exams, and reflections this week and next. This is an especially intense period for high school students, whose current roster of classes end as part of the semester block system and new courses begin on January 17. (Students in grades 7-8 continue in their current classes all year, with just a rotation in their afternoon arts and tech electives.)
Monday, January 9 is the final ‘regular’ day of classes for fall semester, and then Tuesday through Thursday we will have special schedules. Below are details about the week. We know it’s a lot and appreciate you taking time to review this email, check out the linked schedule below, and talk with your student about their responsibilities to prepare for the final stretch of the semester. Please reach out to your student’s advisor, counselor, our front office staff (Gloria and Jamie), or to me with any questions you have.
Final Exams & Projects Week: Special Half Day Schedules, January 10-12
- The full schedule for the week is outlined in this document: Final Exams & Projects Week. The schedule applies for all grades, 7-12.
- Tuesday is a make-up day designed to provide additional time and support for students to be successful and demonstrate proficiency in their classes. No regular classes will meet. Students who have shown strong progress in all of their classes will be excused from school on Tuesday and have the flexibility to work on finals prep at home. We will confirm with students and families on Monday who is required to attend on Tuesday and who is excused from the day.
- Wednesday and Thursday are the official ‘exam days’, with special schedules that provide longer periods for each class and afternoon time for studying and grading. Wednesday is dedicated to Blocks A and C, and Thursday is dedicated to Blocks B and D.
Semester Break Day & MLK Holiday: No School on January 13, 16
As is traditional in TA’s calendar, next Friday is a semester break with no classes in session. Monday we will be closed in observance of the national Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
In Other News …
- Check out regular emails from Athletic Director Bri Barnes for upcoming game and meet schedules and other athletics updates. We are pleased to have the NFHS camera operational again and will be streaming basketball games. Cheer on our girls JV and varsity basketball teams this evening, 5:30 and 7:00pm, in the Vaughan Alumni Gymnasium.
- The Social Justice in Action class is hosting a ‘swap & shop’ for the community tomorrow at the Thetford Community Center from 10am-3pm.
- The drama program is hosting a series of short student-written and produced plays. The community is invited to attend tomorrow evening’s event, In Our Own Words, in the MJR Theater at 7pm.
Happy New Year from all of us at TA,
Carrie Brennan, Head of School