
TA News

June’s Student of the Month can be described with many positive adjectives: polite, considerate, conscientious, hardworking, tenacious, and many more as you’ll see. When challenges come his way, he doesn’t let them slow him down, rather, he seems to use them as fuel to drive him to even greater heights. Tim Renner, an instructor at Hypertherm said: “For me the thing that stuck out most about him was his drive and his tenacity… I was amazed that not once did he ever let anything slow him down or stop him… He is an inspiration for other students” Angela Lavoy, who has worked with him in math, history,...

Dear Class of 2020, If you had asked me, at 18, if I wanted to become a school librarian I would have laughed and looked at you like you were nuts. Who wants to go back to high school when everyone is so desperate to get out of it? Why would anyone ever do that?!  The answer to what would make someone do that is, of course, you. At least-- for me it was.  I do know some colleagues who always knew they wanted to teach. Some of you already know what you want in life, but I also bet a lot of...

Dear Class of 2020, I join you this year in saying goodbye to Thetford Academy. Pandemic strangeness aside, I know that all of you will move forward to a new life that is largely unimaginable at this moment. What you make of it will be a mixture of your own doing in combination with other forces that are far beyond your control. To help keep me sane when forces emerge far beyond my control, I keep three quotes nearby to help bring me clarity.  The first one deals with something harder than the hardest job you’ll ever have, or the most challenging degree...

Dear members of the Thetford Academy Class of 2020~ A class to remember- a time to remember. So many times over the last eight weeks I’ve thought of all of you. I’ve  imagined how you all are feeling, what your thoughts are, and honestly, if I could hug each and everyone of you, I would!  The word ‘heroes’ comes to mind for me when I think of all of you. I could not be any more proud than I am of you right now! Your world changed in a matter of days! Everyday, since March 16,2020, you were faced with the unknown and...

On June 2, a handful of TA faculty and administrators came together swiftly to share their reflections and responses to national outrage over the killing of George Floyd - and the broader topics of racial justice, racism, and civil disobedience, to name a few. Their recorded message was shared with the TA community - students, parents, and staff - via email on June 2, along with a statement from Head of School Carrie Brennan and TA Board President Gio Bosco. ...

This week, English 10: Identity & Voice students presented the final projects of the semester: “The Anthology” for peers, family, friends and faculty via livestream (Zoom). 2020 necessitated a transformation of the Anthology, now considered a rite of passage for TA students, into the interactive digital realm, opening new opportunities for expression through visual design and multimedia.  Throughout the semester, students collected excerpts of both original and published literature of importance to them, citing all sources and exhibiting their own artistic touch.  The Anthology project introduces students to writing as expression and encourages them to find—and share— their own voice, now also...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.