
TA News

Happy Friday, Panthers! Apologies for the late newsletter this week.  The end of the year is approaching, and at TA, we're thinking about how to wrap up this crazy year and plan for the next, all while dealing with a huge batch of unknowns. It can be completely disconcerting to live in the land of unknowns. One strategy that you can use to help stay centered is to take life and planning in short chunks. My own personal rule is to focus on the next 5 days, and no more. Focusing on the short term, on what I can control now and in...

Dear Thetford Academy Class of 2020, Although I have not been one of your educators, coaches or mentors, my work here at TA has offered me the opportunity to watch each and every one of you grow and develop into the fine young adults you have become through your performances, athletics, Founders Day, ODW and collaboration with some of your outdoor classes. Missing traditional graduation ceremonies this year is disappointing for all of us but makes your achievements no less earned, no less important, no less admired and no less gratifying. This is but a brief moment in history. Before you know it, you...

Dear Thetford Academy Senior Class, To say that the final months of your senior year have been a whirlwind, is an understatement. It certainly is not the way I expected it to end for any of us-but here we are. I wasn’t sure how to write this letter and what really to say to all of you. I cannot imagine what you are all feeling and thinking. You missed out on things like prom. Your final year of sports for the athletes. Missing your senior trip. All of these things you look forward to as a younger student, gone. Here is what you...

Dear Seniors, This year reveals in the starkest way that nothing is permanent, that our lives are only somewhat under our control, that we must bend in the wind or risk breaking. This experience will make poets out of some of you; others will become filmmakers and musicians; others novelists. Some of you will go into medicine to find cures for the next pandemic. Some of you will return to the land and grow food and raise animals to feed your fellow Vermonters. Some of you will run for public office and demonstrate, for a new generation, the leadership Vermonters have always...

by Ethan Marshia It seems like it was just yesterday that we all ventured out on our first journey together. Entering the portal to a seemingly otherworldly dimension. I was just a mere fledgling. This class has given me everything I could have imagined and more. It has allowed me to see the forest through the trees and the trees through the forest. I am able to view the world through many different layers at this point in time. It has allowed me to wonder. To wonder about the unknown, to wonder about the natural world and see it through a different...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.