
TA News

The floodgates opened when an email went out soliciting input for April’s Thetford Academy Student of the Month Emi Vaughan. Some common themes quickly emerged and were summarized by Mr. Mann, who writes that Emi Vaughan is “a scholar, a natural leader, and one of the kindest people I have had the privilege of knowing.” Mr. Deffner writes, “I don't think I have ever witnessed, or know of, Emi Vaughn being unkind to anyone. She accepts people at face value and welcomes them––regardless of who they are. For this reason, she was a leader in my Civil Rights Literature course last...

Dear Thetford Academy Class of 2020,  Congratulations on finishing your senior year under such trying circumstances. And you thought climbing Moosilauke in September was tough?!  Your class will go down in history as one which overcame huge obstacles. I also want to thank you for welcoming me and my family to TA. I left the big city of Burlington to come to little ol’ Thetford, and every day over the past two years, when I came to school and saw your spirit and enthusiasm, I knew I was in the right place.  Even though I didn’t have most of you in class,...

Due to the current covid-19 health crisis, Thetford Academy has made the final decision to postpone TOP Summer programming scheduled for June and July of 2020. Both the rock climbing and backpacking trips have been cancelled, with the goal of resuming these option in 2021. The Connecticut River canoe trip, the advanced canoe trip, and the trail crew will run, but the dates, the maximum number of participants, and the routes have changed to meet social distancing guidelines. The updated dates and locations are: Connecticut River canoe trip, July 27th - August 1stAdvanced canoe trip (now on the upper...

Happy Wednesday, Panthers! I've been thinking this week about silver linings. Quarantimes are hard, and it's easy to get lost in the uncertainty and fear of it all, but there are good things to notice, too. Some good things over here? More time to bake. Lots of hikes lately. And I chose the word "hygge" (which means "cozy" in Swedish) as my word for 2020, long before Coronavirus happened...

Dear Thetford Academy Class of 2020, As we embark on a major milestone for you all, in a format that is not what any of us wished for or even imagined, please know I am so very honored to have worked with so many of you over the years. Some of you who came to the Academy as 7th graders also symbolize something more to me as I have been working at Thetford Academy as a Special Educator for 6 years now.  I have watched so many of you grow from boys and girls into amazing young men and women.   This is...

Hello, Panthers, May flowers are finally blooming, and it's been amazing to see so many smiling faces on #TATogether posts and TA's Facebook and Instagram page. We hope you continue to be well as we look ahead through the remainder of this semester. Make sure you find the time to get outdoors this month and enjoy the warming weather. Cool Things to do Online: National Parks Virtual Tours  Make 100 Projects with just 10 Things San Diego Zoo Penguin Cams (these guys are adorable) Mental Health Resources: 100 Art Therapy ExercisesCognitive-Behavioral Strategies to Manage Mental Health (during Coronavirus) Self Care Suggestions: Create your own board game. Bonus points if you do this with a...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.