
TA News

Thetford Academy will hold a virtual parent night for parents and guardians of students in grades 9 through 12 on Thursday, November 19, from 7-8:30pm. Come meet the teachers who serve as pod leaders for your student's grade level, and spend time learning about the daily routines of the pod. Select from a menu of teacher course videos to meet your student's teachers and get insights on the course content and expectations of each course. This event, coupled with one for middle school parents on December 3, is designed to take the place of TA's annual Back to School Night, which...

Congrats to TA's girls cross-country team for earning runner-up status at Vermont's D-III Championships held at TA on October 31. Madelyn Durkee led the team, crossing the line in 3rd place in the division and an impressive 7th overall in the combined D-I, D-II, D-III results. Ninth-grader Annie Hesser finished 12th in D-III, followed by sophomore Abby Egner in 16th, captain and senior Layla Hanissian in 17th, sophomore Jada Rich in 19th, and ninth-graders Mary Bosco and Charlize Brown in 24th and 25th. The TA boys placed third overall in Division III, even with two of their top runners unable to...

There's an old homestead in the forests of Fairlee, VT unearthing clues to the town's early history. Archeologist and Fairlee resident Dr. William Fitzhugh recently embarked on a mission to protect the area from logging and begin a careful excavation of its long-buried artifacts. Dr. Fitzhugh, senior scientist and curator of the Smithsonian's North American Archeology and Director of its Arctic Studies Center, invited local high school students to join him at the site. Kai Harris, a TA junior, is one of those students. In a Valley News article about the dig, Kai says that he heard about the project from...

Dear TA Families & Students, Here is the Friday round-up. Three topics to highlight for you as we wrap up this week: 1. Virtual Parent Nights & Other Key Dates High School Parent Night - Nov. 19, 7:00-8:30pmSpecial Half Day Remote Schedule - Friday, Nov. 20Thanksgiving Break - Wednesday, Nov. 25-Sunday, Nov. 29Middle School Parent Night - Dec. 3, 7:00-8:30pmSpecial Half Day Remote Schedule - Friday, Dec. 4 Please note: We will share links and details with high school parents next week for the parent night event on November 19.  2. COVID-Related Updates This is a fast-moving topic. I encourage all to stay tuned to the Vermont...

Thetford Academy is hosting a Virtual Open House for prospective students and their families on Thursday, November 12 at 7 p.m.With representatives from our faculty, our parent community, and our student body, we hope to provide families a fun and informative overview of Thetford Academy's programs, followed by an interactive Q & A session.Please direct any questions to our Enrollment Coordinator, Molly Dugan-Sullivan at [email protected] or by phone at (802)-785-4805 x202.Register now: We look forward to meeting you! ...

On Thursday, November 5, the TA Counseling Department hosted a virtual college information session for seniors and their families. Topics included the college application process, financial aid, and scholarship information. The event was recorded and can be viewed here. Questions about this event or any of the topics covered should be referred to our TA Counseling Office staff Mark Pichette or Molly Dugan-Sullivan. ...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.