
TA News

Message from the TA Counseling Office to TA Seniors We wanted to share with you a few important updates regarding scholarships and how we will navigate this process throughout the duration of Remote TA. First, we will announce all scholarship opportunities via email as usual, with the application attached to the email. We encourage all seniors to check email frequently. Second, when a scholarship requires transcripts, letter(s) of recommendation or other documents normally received through the Counseling Office, we ask that you follow these steps: 1) For letter(s) of recommendation, please reach out to your teachers and ask them to write one for you;...

March 19, 2020 Dear TA Parents & Guardians, How are you holding up with the new reality of remote learning and your children being at home all day? We are all trying to figure this out - families, students, teachers, the community. Thank you for doing your best and please let us know how we can better support you. 1. I sent a short survey to students yesterday evening asking them to rate their first day of remote learning on a scale of 1-5, ranging from 'pretty much a disaster' to 'really well'. Fortunately, fewer than 5% of respondents rated the day with a 1 and 47%...

Quick link to Thetford Academy's Remote Learning Plan. Message from Head of School - March 18, 2020 The public health crisis caused by COVID-19 is impacting every facet of our lives in the United States and throughout the world. Each day we tune in to the news, trying to make sense of the rapidly-evolving situation and keep up with the public health recommendations and government responses.  In K-12 education, we find ourselves in a situation wholly unimaginable only weeks ago. Elementary and secondary schools have been ordered to close in states throughout the U.S. On Sunday, March 15, Vermont Governor Phil Scott mandated the...

Dear TA Students, Families, and Staff,As we've embarked upon Remote TA this week, we know that there is stress in the transition. The Student Support Team will be sending out emails weekly with resources and tips for stress relief and self-care, which is more important than ever as we're navigating this uncharted territory!Please remember that we are here to help you with any learning needs or questions you have, and your counselors are available to check in if you're feeling stress, anxiety, or other tough emotions. Don't hesitate to email us and schedule a time to talk or video chat. We're here.Here...

Message from the TA Student Support Team Dear TA Families, During the school dismissal period, your Counseling and Health Office staff, including Mark, Rebecca, Molly, Kara, and Siobhan are here to support you and your students. We see our role as helping students overcome the barriers they face to accessing their education - and this is true in this time of remote learning as well. Our plans for supporting you during the dismissal include the following: We will be compiling resources around stress, anxiety, and self-care to share with you. We will be available to hold video meetings with students via Google Hangouts. To...



We set high expectations. We challenge all members of the school community to reach their highest potential.


We value initiative, courage and dedication. We take personal responsibility for the goals we set and work hard to achieve them.


We work and learn together. We see teachers as coaches, students as team members, families as partners, and learning as practice and action.


We provide individuals with personalized support and guidance. We care about each other and the larger community.


We respect differences among people. We welcome the contribution of varied perspectives to a rich and flexible school culture.