Congratulations, Class of 2023! TA Celebrates 204th Graduation
June 12, 2023

Congratulations to the 42 members of the Class of 2023! Thetford Academy’s 204th graduation ceremony on June 9, held in the Vaughan Alumni Gymnasium, marked the end of high school for TA’s seniors and the beginning of new adventures and opportunities. The weather and the move indoors did not dampen spirits as family, friends, and classmates filled the seats and bleachers to celebrate the milestone with the graduates.
Class President Harley Ransom opened the ceremony with a welcome, sharing a by-the-numbers look at the last four years. “Number of states whose colleges will be enrolling TA 2023 graduates in the fall: 14,” for example, and “Number of trips our basketball teams made to the Aud: 5.” It was a long and varied list that ultimately, he thought, didn’t add up. “I still can’t make sense of these last four years,” he said, “It’s been ups and, it’s been downs, we’ve screamed at basketball games and worked silently at home; it’s been a funky little ride, but damn has it been fun.”
Madi Mousley, Quinn Corcoran, and Abby Egner led the TA tradition of a flower presentation. They spoke about the unpredictability of their high school experience and the people who supported them through it. “Each graduate here today has two flowers to symbolize their gratitude toward the people that got them through their high school years…So, to all of you that have listened to us laugh, cry, complain, and say the most out-of-pocket things, thank you.”
The final speaker was Charlotte Reimanis, who shared how welcoming she found TA when she transferred here in her junior year. “From the moment I set foot in the library for advisory, and said hi to Kate, attended my first cross-country running practice, or showed interest in clubs on campus, I immediately felt happy about my choice to switch to Thetford Academy. My classmates and the friends I soon made welcomed me as a student, so that Thetford felt like home right away.” Though ready to leave high school behind, it will be hard, she said, to leave Thetford.
Board of Trustees President Donna Steinberg and Head of School Carrie Brennan presented the diplomas, as Dean of Students Siobhan Lopez read names.
Congratulations, graduates!
Noah Abernethy |
Ada Acker |
TJ Berecz |
Porter Burkins |
Arianna Cooney |
Quinn Corcoran |
Avery Crandall |
Eldon Crossett |
Madison Currier |
Shisi Dai |
Kathleen Darrah |
Abigail Dixon |
Madelyn Durkee |
Abigail Egner |
Alex Fein |
Michael Fernandez |
Jacob Gilman |
Natalia Gioia |
Olivia Hastings |
Addyson Holzer |
Aidan Keane |
Isaiah Kol |
Max Leibon |
Finn Linehan |
Marahall Melancon |
Sadie Mikovitz |
Madison Mousely |
Kolby Patenaude |
Nolan Pepe |
Jonas Piletz |
Harley Ransom |
Charlotte Reimanis |
Jada Rich |
Dominic Rose |
Zoe Thomas |
Aiden Tibbets |
Luca Trage |
Kaleb Waters |
Taylor West |
Emma Willens |
Hannah Williams |
Robina Wilmott |
Photo credits: Dan Grossman. Complete gallery available on Dan’s website; visit